About Hope In Jesus
This site is for those needing encouragement, prayer, and love. You will find this and more at Hope in Jesus. Through lifes trials and tribulations I Lucy Franklin have found my Hope in Jesus and I stand on his promises daily as I walk through this life side by side with my Lord and Savior. Knowing that in his own timing, Someday I will reside in Heaven for eternity. You also can have this by accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior.
Please read Lucy's poetry and get inspired, feel the Lord's presence through her writings.

He is the light,
That can brighten your way,
Is your life working for you?
Even as Christians we still can
get down and out and
struggle with the world we now live in,
But, When those times come,
The book of Proverbs and Psalms is just
like Chicken Soup for our Souls.
Yes, the comfort of Psalms and the how too's of Proverbs can put and end to all
that ails you.
Even as Christians, sometimes it is hard to find another Brother or Sister,
That we can confide in. But,they are out there. A true Christian will feel your pain with you, embrace you as Jesus would. Never condemn you, but pick you up and show you the Lighted way again.
So the next time someone a friend, relative, even a stranger comes to you, lost, but repenting and confessing as the bibles says, don't belittle them, don't be aghast, Listen, Listen, and encourage. Encourage them that God has heard their confession and their slate is now clean. As Jesus would say go and sin no more.
I have met some awesome mentors in my journey in this life time. That showed me the light, when darkness had robbed me of it's shimmer....