Your life is a blessing a Gift from God above,
He wants you to feel daily his tender sweet love,
God knew since the begining of time when he created Heaven and Earth,
He knew what each and everyone of our lives was worth,
The sin of Adam and Eve would cause separation from the All Mighty One,
God then brought forth His only begotten son,
Born unto the virgin Mary in a cold manger,
Changing the world forever, He the Messiah, He would not be no stranger,
King of King Lord of Lords soon to rule all nations,
Yes, God breathed life into all earthly creation!
He is the Beginning, He is the end,
No one knows the hour nor the day, When our Mighty Heavenly Father will descend,
The clouds will roll back,
The trumphets will sound,
All Eyes on Jesus, Oh Sweet Jesus when he appears and abounds,
Dropping down from heaven like he said he would,
Taking all those that professed him as their Savior, He takes them home with him for good!
Oh what a glorious site this will be!
So are you ready for the homecoming to eternity,
Are you ready to go home,
Never to long, in sickness, no need to feel lost, or a need to roam,
The Lord is coming soon my friend,
So be ready for the homecoming when he does transcend!
1/27/2009 (C) Lucy Franklin