Take It To The Cross

Someone just this very moment lost there job,
Someone just this very moment did get robbed,

Someone took a gamble and took a great loss,

What are they to do?

Take it to the Cross!
Take it to the Cross!

Someone just found out they have cancer,
Their questions the doctors seem not to have the answer!

What are they to do?

Take it to the Cross!
Take it to the Cross!

Someone's spouse has walked out breaking each and every vow,
Now the other is broken to the core, Thinking why? What Now?

What are they to do?

Take it to the Cross!
Take it to the Cross!

Someone's love one is dying the end is soon and near,
Love them do not fear!
With great love,
Deliver them to him above,

What are they to do?

Take it to the Cross!
Take it to the Cross!

Someone is battling addiction right now,
They are bound in Satan's web of lies!

What are they to do?

Take it to the Cross My Friend! 
Take it to the Cross!

1/16/2011 Copy Right Protected Lucy Franklin

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