My life was empty,
Lord, Before I let you in,
Once I did, A new life I did begin,

A life so abundant,
Filled with Faith, And your love,
No more fear,
For I know  that you are always near,

Once I focused solely on you Lord,
And Riches I did receive,
Now that I do believe,

I am rich with not worldly things,
But with "Peace", That only faith in you brings,

Life no longer feels hopeless and bleak,
My soul is calm now, and at peace,

I know My Lords love will never cease,

My ultimate goal is to do Gods will,
And accept what comes may,
Daily I do pray,

When I am happy or feeling blue,
I always enjoy my daily talks with you,

So let me tell you Lord right now,
How Thankful I am,
To have you watching over me,
And my precious family......

By Lucy Franklin
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