It's A New Year,
For new beginings, goals to set, Calendars to update or clear,
As you reflect on life and years gone by,
Do you smile in beautiful memory, Or do you just frown and sigh?
What is stealing your joy,
What is it that does not let you in this life enjoy?
Do you make bad choices and live set apart or alone,
Do you think you are unworthy because of past sins that your life is blown!
So you stay stuck in the familiar old joyless life,
Full of pain, bad choices, sin and strife,
God gives us all free will,
Do you want what He wants for you A life only he can fufil?
Listen, Listen, to the calm of the still,
For when you are silent and let him talk,
He will teach you once again how to walk,
A walk so beautiful you will see,
Life as it was will no longer be,
Joyless, sorrowful, Hopeless nor Blue,
Because you trusted your Heavenly Father and Spiritually grew!
You are saved by His Grace,
If you just ask Him and repent your transgression and sins are all erased!
So, Let Him Lead,
He will provide you with all that you NEED,
All you have to do is heed!
Trust, and Obey,
He'll show you the way,
It's so very simple indeed,
Just Let Him Lead,
Want you now, Let your Heavenly Father Lead! Lead! Lead!
1/27/2009 (C) Lucy Franklin