I know you have heard this saying before,
Every day is a gift,
It's not by chance you now do exist,
It's not by chance that you were granted "Life" From God Above,

Yes every day that you now do live,
Is just another Gift from above  that God did give!

I hope and do pray,
That you give your gifts away,
Like a smile as bright as the sun beaming  rays!

Simple gifts and joys we all bestow,
But they are not ours to keep nor hold onto,
So let them , Yes let them go, go, go!

Give them away generously unto all you meet,
And greet! Expecially to strangers on the street!

So when you awake each and every morn,
Give Thanks to the Lord that you were born!

Thank him each and every day!
As you begin the day in prayer!
For Every day is a gift!
That gift is to LIFT,
You up ever so High,
For some day you will meet the gift giver in the Sky!

1/16/2011 Copy Right Protected Lucy Franklin

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